Waiting on a miracle
Waiting on a miracle
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Days to go

Brina & Richard Hodges is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello, first let me introduce myself I am Brina Hodges (31yrs old) (Houston Tx) who’s been having trouble conceiving with my husband Richard Hodges (33yrs old) (Houston Tx) for about 10 years. We’ve been married for 12years going on 13 years and always dreamed of starting a family of our own, we are two of the most loving people who set goals in life and achieved each one with hard work and dedication, but this one problem of not being able to conceive naturally is one we are pleading for help with.
After years of many doctor’s appointments having countless test ran and 3 HSG test performed, we discovered that my tubes were blocked and damaged. Hearing this news added on even more emotions and stress that were already there. The frustration of not being able to do what a woman’s body is made to do, makes me feel worthless. After receiving the news from the doctor we were advised to have the tubes removed to prevent Ectopic pregnancy (fertilized egg implants outside the uterus) and to proceed with process of IVF (in vitro fertilization).
Being that we had already waited so long and we were super anxious to just get our little bundle of joy here, so we moved first without doing our research. After having my procedure done where both of my fallopian tubes were removed we then were told the ONLY chance of pregnancy now would be through IVF. We then begin to look into the pricing of it. You can only imagine the devastation we felt after discovering the cost for everything. Doctor’s appointments, treatments, medications, test, etc. almost $25,000 and it has to be paid up-front. This seems too impossible for us.
I am the second oldest of five, family is everything to me, growing up I’ve always thought to myself when I get married I was going to have two or three children of my own, still today I hold on to that hope. Planning and dreaming of beautiful names, wondering what will our babies look like. It saddens my heart that I can’t even conceive one on my own. My husband and I got married at a really young age, he was 21yrs old still in college and I was 19yrs old, taking a such big step in life, we were ready to take on the world, standing at the altar with big dreams, marriage first, then a house, children, and family vacations. I expected to run into some bumps in the road in life but I never would have imagined trying to start a family with the love in my life would be one of them. My husband and I have struggling with this for so long because I’ve always been too embarrassed to put myself out there to get help financing IVF treatment, crazy thing is not even my family knows about my struggle. I’ve spent countless hours and days researching and goggling information on how to finance IVF treatments, looking for loans and grants only to keep running into dead ends. As time continues to pass and still NO BABY, makes my heart even more heavy.
My husband and I are not ones who looks for help we’re strong believes in working hard for things we want and need, but IVF treatments seems out of reach. We don’t want to give up on our dream of starting our own family until we feel like we’ve done everything we could possibly do. PLEASE HELP
Brina Hodges
Richard Hodges
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Brina & Richard Hodges is organizing this fundraiser.